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#HAWMC: And my favorite health product is … water!

#HAWMC Day 29.

What’s your favorite health-related product? Share it with your community and tell them why you love it so much and how it has helped you on your patient journey.

Water! Yup, H20.

I see patients with diabetes. They ask me a lot of questions about what to eat and drink. The patient usually says, I know I shouldn’t drink soda. But water is ok right? Read More »#HAWMC: And my favorite health product is … water!


#HAWMC Day 28.

Use “health” as an acronym and come up with words that represent your Health Activist journey.

Health informatics. I would never have started blogging had I not taken my Masters in Health Informatics. Back then in 2004, I even learned html to hard code web pages. Read More »#HAWMC: H.E.A.L.T.H.