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The AI Will Teach You Now

I gave a presentation at the UP Manila New Faculty Orientation Workshop last Thursday. I also took the opportunity to run a short fishbowl exercise where I asked the faculty about AI.

The faculty were divided about students’ use of AI. One said that yes, we should allow the students to use it because AI is inevitable. Another said, she didn’t know enough about AI to decide. And apparently, many shared this view.

No one had an AI use statement in their syllabus though, because of the lack of policy direction at the university level. Though UP system had released the principles for responsible and trustworthy AI last year. There were 15 principles and the last four were under the education section –

11. PRIMACY OF LEARNING GOALS. Decisions on the use of AI in teaching should start with the educational needs and priorities of learners, UP shall adopt AI systems that promote learner-centered pedagogy and foster collaborative and social learning. AI shall be used to improve the assessment of multiple dimensions of competencies and outcomes.

12. HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT, UP shall strengthen existing programs and develop new ones to ensure that the country’s Al workforce is highly skilled and ethical. These programs shall target women and other groups that are often excluded.

13. CAPACITY BUILDING. All members of the UP community must be AI literate. Additionally, faculty members must be trained in effectively using and integrating AI into teaching and learning practices. These two initiatives are necessary if faculty and students are to jointly innovate and benefit from the new technology as it further evolves.

14. EDUCATION MANAGEMENT AND DELIVERY. AI should improve university decision-making; make for more efficient administration, including admissions, enrollment, registration, human resource management, procurement, and inventory; and enable prompt regulatory compliance.

15. COLLABORATION. UP shall work with other universities, colleges, and research institutions to share best practices, co-develop AI courses and programs, undertake joint research and development, and advocate for responsible and trustworthy AI.

Let’s discuss AI and education tonight at the #HealthXPH tweet chat 9 pm Manila time.

T1. Should teachers allow students to use AI? Why or why not?

T2. What would be considered allowable use of AI for teachers and students? What are you most worried about with the use of AI?

I found this on Twitter. The AI Wheel of Death. Consider the scenario when both teachers and students use AI.

T3. Share your experiences using AI as a teacher or a student. What did you learn from the experience?

See you at the #HealthXPH tweet chat!

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