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From my generation to yours

Earlier this week, I shared this on Facebook –

Yes, I’m generation X. This week I was also at a health professions education workshop where I’d heard educators sometimes say, the kids now are … something else. I’m also ward service consultant and just concluded a semester with 2nd year medical students in my medical informatics elective. I have been around the kids some this past few weeks. I thought in the spirit of the above meme, we can have a conversation about generational differences and what that means for health workers working in teams or for students and health professions educators. I wonder too if patients notice any generational differences.

Join the #HealthXPH tweet chat tonight 9 pm Manila time, 22 June 2024.

T1. As a [insert health profession here] trainee/student, what would you like to tell the generation before you, likely your teacher/senior?

T2. As a [insert health profession here] teacher/senior, what would you like to tell the younger generation who are your trainees/students now?

T3. As a physician [or other health worker], do you notice any generational differences in the patients you see in how they deal with you or their medical problems? As a patient, do you notice any generational differences in the physicians [or other health workers] in how they relate to you and your medical problems?

This ought to be interesting! See you later.

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