I first tried chatting with ChatGPT last December after seeing a post on how it can compose songs ala Taylor Swift. I asked about health informatics, as I teach courses in graduate school. ChatGPT provided a good overview of what personal health records are for example, but it was hardly graduate school level. I didn’t feel alarmed. I even shared ChatGPT’s output in our messenger group of grad students.
I also posted this tweet on Facebook. I remember a colleague remarking, “… but that’s Terence Tao! He doesn’t need AI.” As a teacher, I like trying new tools and so I was excited about using ChatGPT for learning and hadn’t really thought about assessment. Perhaps too because I’ve had medical students submit case report discussions containing copy-pasted text from Medscape before. I remember thinking, let’s just hope the student actually read the copy-pasted text so it wasn’t a waste.

As a newbie qualitative researcher, I asked ChatGPT to define different qualitative methods. I thought this was were it excelled. Explaining the difference between discourse analysis and thematic analysis, I gained a rudimentary understanding of each before taking a deep dive. I said as much in this post, when I came across a tweet on the value of ChatGPT for someone with autism.

And then a post about a UP professor claiming to have caught a student with an AI-written essay became viral. The online discussion was so intense that the faculty of the UP Diliman AI Program even came out with a statement, quoting my favorite George Couros quote which I use in my ed tech faculty workshops.
I decided to ask ChatGPT 😉 about this.

A colleague tweeted me, that ChatGPT was gaslighting me. What do you think? Let’s discuss further at the #HealthXPH tweet chat 21 Jan 2023, 9 pm Manila time.
T1. Do AI tools like ChatGPT excite you or scare you? Why?
T2. In your current profession/work, what use(s) can you foresee for ChatGPT?
T3. As a student/teacher, how can ChatGPT be a tool for teaching and learning? What limits if any, would you set for its use?