I finished the Health Activist Writers Month Challenge (#HAWMC)!
30 days, 30 posts.
You’ve crossed the #HAWMC finish line. Recap the past month for us. What did you enjoy, what didn’t you enjoy? Favorite prompt?
I’m now on a quest to find more blogging prompts. I tried blogging daily without prompts before and failed. This #HAWMC experience taught me that I can do this!
The Health Activists in the #HAWMC are empowered patients. I’ve learned so much from reading their blog posts.
I discovered what a #spoonie was from Rhiann (@serenebutterfly). You can read about the Spoon Theory here.
I learned more about Crohn’s disease from @ColitisNinja.
I found out about one-on-one patient mentoring from Lori-Ann (@citygirlflare), a volunteer mentor at the National Psoriasis Foundation. It became a topic for a #HealthXPH tweet chat. Kerry (@KerryTP) kindly inquired for me about a similar program for diabetes. I have since suggested to have a similar patient peer mentoring program to our local endocrine society.
I saw a wonderful video about a chemistry museum. Maya (@mayanorthen) was dancing! I came across Jessica (@jessicagimeno), who in her own words is fashionably ill. She’s giving a TedX mental health talk soon.
It’s hard for me to pick a favorite post! I loved the challenge each blogging prompt brought. I’ve hopefully made a habit of blogging everyday.
Cheers to the #HAWMC community!
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