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Done Blogging for #ENDO2013

It's my last night in San Francisco. Thanks to #ENDO2013, my blog has had so many hits the past few days 🙂 more than the past months. It was quite an experience starting the day with a zest for learning, knowing that I would have to write about the day's lessons or experiences.

I also did some live tweeting and gained some new followers along the way. I thank my Twitter friends from back home who retweeted me.

I regret not having taken a group picture with the other bloggers that first day when we met with Danielle of the Digital Bureau for the orientation. I don't know a lot of doctor bloggers and it was great to meet bloggers from within the circle of endocrinology. I had a brief chat with one of them, Dr. Joshua Tarkoff, a fellow in pediatric endocrinology.

This is the Endocrine Witch signing off … until #ENDO2014! Hopefully, I'll get invited to be an official blogger again 🙂



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