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Endocrine Witch on Tumblr

I wanted to expand the reach of the photos with health messages that I had began posting on I liked the simplicity of Tumblr as a blogging platform and decided to give it a try. According to AppAppeal,

Tumblr is the 13th most popular site in the Philippines based on a combination of average daily visitors and page views.

I like that I am able to queue my posts on Tumblr. It publishes one post from my queue once every day at a time I specified – between 7 and 8 am. And when a post is published, it appears in my Facebook activity and Twitter feed. It sort of minds itself đŸ™‚

I didn’t even know it but Tumblr is supposed to enhance the tumblelogging experience.

According to Jason Kottke (way back in 2005),

A tumblelog is a quick and dirty stream of consciousness, a bit like a remaindered links style linklog but with more than just links. They remind me of an older style of blogging, back when people did sites by hand, before Movable Type made post titles all but mandatory, blog entries turned into short magazine articles, and posts belonged to a conversation distributed throughout the entire blogosphere.

I think nowadays we just call it microblogging.

Here’s some snapshots of my Tumblr page called Endocrine Witchery.



What’s my next social media stop? Hmm, maybe Pinterest!




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